There has been concern that some individuals with Gaucher disease might be more vulnerable to infections. We are also aware that some patients with Gaucher disease are facing challenges in getting their treatments and medical care. We are inviting you to complete a survey to help us better understand the impact of the COVID19 pandemic on the Gaucher disease community. Since this is a continuously evolving situation, we may ask you to complete the same survey every 4-8 weeks. The results will help to inform providers on how to better serve the community during the pandemic and also help with future preparedness.It will also teach us more about the rate of COVID-19 infection amoung patients with Gaucher disease and the disease severity.

You are eligible to participate in this survey if you are older than 18 years of age and are a patient with Gaucher disease or a caregiver of an individual with Gaucher disease.

Responding to this survey takes approximately 20 minutes and is entirely voluntary. The survey is anonymous. Responses to the survey (or lack thereof) will have no bearing on your relationship with the NIH or any of the participating providers. The aggregate survey data will be presented at meetings and published.

Thank you again for your participation!

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